Creation Frequency

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Yaşam Tarzı Health & Fitness
Geliştirici: michael murphy
9.99 USD

The Creation Frequency

Realize who you really are. You are not your body, your body is made up of approximately 60 trillion individual conscious living cells, working to create a vehicle called the human body that houses your essence, your soul, or whatever name you wish to call your true self, I call my true self, ‘I Am”, which is connected to the original I am that many call God. My essence, God’s essence and your essence are all connected. The important thing to understand is that the better you maintain the physical body with proper nutrition and exercise the easier it is to connect to your creator. Realize that you are not the random thoughts that pop in and out of your head, that is the ego, the ego can only survive by keeping those thoughts alive, once you can control your thoughts, and use your mind as a tool to create what you desire, the ego will die and you are free!

Take each desire and write a powerful 1-2 paragraph description of what it feels like to already have your desire in your life, there is no difference between imagination and reality, once you can see and feel the intention strongly, it is just a matter of time until you can see your desire manifest into the physical dimension. In the spiritual dimension as soon as you can see it in your mind’s eye, feel it in your heart and soul it is already created, it already exists, now it is just a matter of time as atoms rearrange themselves to bring the desired result. The closer your intention vibrates to the frequency of love and service, the faster it will materialize, the force and frequency for good is always vibrating faster and higher than the opposite. Write a powerful intention in present tense, attach powerful feelings to and see it as if it already exists, it does somewhere. Also when writing your intention add in statements that will reprogram your sub-conscious mind, like I love how mentally strong I am, I love how my thoughts come and go but do not affect me for I know they come from the ego, I love how I use my mind to create the life of my dreams! I also find that when my body is strong my mind is strong, when my body and mind are strong my feelings are powerful, in this congruent state I liken myself to a radio antenna, I can literally tap into the one infinite mind and download the best plan to bring into fruition my desires. You know how you can download an E book to your phone in 30 seconds, you can also create the perfect plan by tapping into the mind of God, which is the creation frequency.

Record the relaxation script and your intentions into the creation frequency app, your recording will be imbedded with frequency music that will help to reprogram your sub-conscious mind and also your intentions will attach to the frequency that is best used to manifest desires. The relaxation script also puts you in the right state to bring your powerful intentions into the material world.

Listen to your intentions with the relaxation script each morning upon waking and each night before sleeping. You can also listen to your intentions throughout the day without the relaxation script, and at night you can put your intentions on continuous loop.

Monitor, measure and adjust. Maybe the creator, universe, God, whatever name you choose to call your source has an even better plan for you and your life. I like the saying, “when one door closes another one opens”. If you were flying to Hawaii right now realize that the plane is off course 95% of the time due to wind and many other factors, the pilot or automatic pilot are always making adjustments to get back on course. The same applies to us when we are using the creation frequency to manifest our desires into the physical realm, pay attention and make adjustments.